Chakra is Sanskrit, meaning wheel or vortex of energy which we all carry in our etheric body. The seven main chakras relate to certain aspects we attain through our life's journey and they awaken and expand as we grow and experience life.
Our Chakra candles are custom made and has the following fragrances per chakra/colour:
Root Chakra - Red - Patchouli
Sacral Chakra - Orange - Neroli
Solar Plexus Chakra - Yellow - Lemongrass
Heart Chakra - Green - Geranium
Throat Chakra - Blue - Peppermint
Third Eye Chakra - Indigo - Sandalwood
Crown Chakra - Violet - Lavender
Ideal for meditation, reiki, or to simply burn for healing, balance and harmony.
Approximate height 15cm, diameter 10cm, weight 1010g
Delivery 3 - 5 business days
Extra Large Chakra Candle